A Walk Down The Road| English Poem| Feelings| Kamesh Murty

As i was walking down the lane,
the cold drops of rain pouring down on me
the cool breeze teasing my face
there was in it the stillness of the deep black
As i moved down the lane,
going on and on as it would never would
away from the moribund life of the city
i experienced a sense of tranquility like never before
My entire life was stretched out before me
like a red carpet for someone special 
all the memories stretched out,like a pack of cards
then,i chose to relive each moment,
I began searching my memories
trying to find something which i had lost
all my peace vanished away in a puff of smoke
filling me with a sense of despair i have known all my life
Searched every nook and corner of my memories
but still no joy,only pain and sorrow
them,i began searching for the meaning of my life
all in those memories of me
I have gone quite a distance down the lane
reliving each of my favorite memories
but still no luck
feeling glum and despondent
the realization came like a flash of thunder
suddenly enlightening my soul
the rain pouring down on me
the cool breeze still teasing me
the secret lies somewhere in those 
living each one to the fullest
Now,the sadness inside me gave way to happiness
a feeling of contentedness washing down on me
a strange feeling washing down on me
nevertheless,a good one
Once more, i could curl myself in the blanket of peace and tranquility
again filled with joy
now,i have reached my destination
time to let go of the past
and live the present.

By Kamesh Murty