“FIRST BITE OF REALITY!!”| English Article| Feelings| Upasana Prasad

The “Blue Hostel vacating forms” lies in my lap..I move my slender fingers over it; think about the times that have been left behind, the memories that have accumulated in my heart, the fights, the laughter, the giggles, the gossip, the bitching, the stress, the tears and the hundreds of hands to hold! VIT journey for me is about to be over, it’s this perplexing feeling I am going through... not sure to be happy that am finally going to be done with the studies, all the assignments, CAT’s punishing grades!.....Or sad, SIGH! I guess it’s true this place does make a mark good or bad, soft or harsh it creates a place in our soul! ………..Usually the first thing that pops in most of our heads as we take our first walks around campus is that, “Wohooo!! Finally walking so much I’m gonna lose so much weight!! ”heheeh…seriously that does happen! Depending upon how much time you spend walking where! Meaning the destination isn’t Flo, Hot eggs ,Bihari Dhaba, Olive’s etc etc…I remember waking after counselling to find where the hostel was, feeling I was never ever going to find it!..and now it seems not so far at all!..........
Mornings in the VIT have been full of activity. YAWN! Sleep! Crib crib. Crib a little more. Curse! CURSE and curse a little more! And saying “I should have taken an afternoon slot” and getting jealous of your other happily sleeping roommates! Followed by running and catching maybe slice of bread and running or jogging depending on where your classes are! Or catching the Auto Anna and almost getting all your cash stolen for a petty trip to your class…shit almost forgot. Running back to your room sometimes incase I forgot my ID! ID cards here are MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR OWN FACE! Honestly everything revolves around blue “dog tag!!”...and gals have an additional hostel ID too. Which we carry more safely than anything in our purse…..

So finally the day goes on with usual lectures which I being in a Masters Class had to attend with full attention! (Sorry to seem so sincere it’s not cause of my maturity level its cause of the low strength of the class!) ….but LABS are where we all our wanted to invent something or the other. Or simply tried up if could blow one of the TT floors with an explosive reaction. Or joining wires and lighting up lives. Through all the strain and pain and sometimes no gain…We still ended up making friends..Because these people who may are smart pretty, handsome, ugly, nerdy, duds...are at the end suffering too! And nothings better than cribbing with a whole bunch of people about the sad plight and suffereing!
Lives don’t seem the same once you move from one semester to the other. As brightness of the Dog tag fades and the photograph of young teenager in the tag changes in the mirror...you find yourself not just feeling different but even being different! …The nights of playing DOTA, to nights of serious mugging up…to the night where I finally strike the last date of being in VIT...I can tell you one thing…. “It may seem all tough in the beginning…But it isn’t that bad at all…”cause this place gave us a chance to experience a life which may be filled with stress, bad mess food! Strict rules, discipline….whistles of security annas and all the very very very horrifyingly bad carp we went through…WE ALL DID HAVE FUN!! And guys and gals the real world is still out there thank this place of giving you the “FIRST BITE OF REALITY!!”
P.S: More to come before I finally sign off!

By Upasana Prasad