THE KARMA OF MARKS! | English Article| Feelings| Upasana Prasad

“The big mistake in schools is trying to teach children anything, and by using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting failing grades, fear of not staying with your class, etc. Interest can produce learning on a scale compared to fear as a nuclear explosion to a firecracker.” -Stanley Kubrick

Earlier we ruled our grades. Now Grades rule US! Well currently there are no grades out it’s best for me to right this when all of us are EQUALS!! Ya! I know sounds sarcastically bitchy! But I’m sure every 9 pointer considers an 8 pointer lesser...8pointer a 7pointer lesser and so on...reminds me of the FOOD CHAIN!! Thanks to god or I may say the ‘so called gods’- the administration! Being at a low point atleast we are spared from being EATEN UP! Hi5!!

Am not sure if grades are actually that important anymore...when I started off I did think they were...untill I started applying for projects, mind me people who are currently in the best places aren’t the highest on the grade scale. Oh! Not that they are skilfully brilliant either! They are good, but the RECOMMENDATIONS are way better!

In school I often heard “Study well! PATA HAI 10TH KE MARKS RATION CARD PE ATE HAI!”!! But for others did u actually see the marks there??? Kudos to our parents for making us believe that! Well every phase in life from 10th to now...we have faced the same fight for proving we are the best! For proving that “I AM INTELLIGENT!!”… Not because I can solve the question on the board or help out a friend in class/Hostel because my grade sheet signed by higher authorities crosschecks my superiority of grey cells!

No offence to all the brilliant students out there! You work hard you get marks! That’s brilliant! And am sure your parents and teachers are proud of you! But remember your friend who according to you is a burger munching, videogame playing jackass….who sleeps while you study all night and manages to get an OK grade, doesn’t respect you, you really are missing out something! Trust me everybody accept it or not respects their competitor only if they actually know something!! We all know whose has a BRAIN! Even if our gradesheet doesn’t give us credit for that!

THE KARMA OF MARKS shouldn’t get you caught in its whirlpool that You forget to LIVE!! Forget to realize that building your BASICS, a good character, a personality that speaks more about that your own mouth and a very good set of friends is also important! As ― Jarod Kintz says “I think the key indicator for wealth is not good grades, work ethic, or IQ. I believe it's relationships. Ask yourself two questions: How many people do I know, and how much ransom money could I get for each one?”
By Upasana Prasad