A War Has Raged| English Article| Feelings| Raghav Agarwal

Words fail me. I write this with the overwhelming upsurge of emotional turmoil effervescing in even the bleakest corners of heart, as my beacon; not with motivation for doing something productive. No. I feel ashamed, angry, and petty, even, at having to write this. But I cannot suppress the angst, the shame, and the tumult of wild sentiments reacting violently inside of me, and seething on a flame that increases every time I read the papers or switch on the TV, any more.

It is no longer just a battle to bring justice to a woman who was brutally raped; it’s turned into a war for our basic rights- our essential happiness and our guaranteed quality of life. It’s been forged into a struggle for independence- independence from oppression and darkness- similar to, if as-of-yet only a little less severe than, the original struggle for India’s independence. Today’s headlines were shocking.

Police lathi-charges at the protesters. Granted that some protesters turned violent, but it cannot be that the whole multitude-the old ladies, the school students- present at the protest site resorted to violence! It was just a weedy bunch of protesters that went haywire. Why unleash terror on the peaceful citizens then? It was soul-shaking to see pictures of ladies well into their 60s, and young college-going girls being beaten up by a ruthless “police” force. Ironic, isn’t it? To see protestors demonstrating against the ill=treatment of women, being treated in such a way. What culture allows its innocent women to be treated such? Not the original Indian culture. No. Alas, the Government of India.

Are we living in a dictatorship, for God’s sake? We should not be denied access to public transport unless an apocalyptic disaster is upon the users of the said means of public transport!

In Imphal, firing by Police at crowds protesting against the molestation of a Manipuri actor resulted in the death of a television journalist! Open firing? How can the Police fire at protesters? Are we living in a communist society? Ordinary citizens can be killed in a flash, but criminals and rapists- they require proper trial for execution! Incredible India!

Do these seem like scenes from a Democracy? It’s Jallianwala Bagh all over again, reminiscent of British Rule over India! Come to think of it, the East India Company was a better government body. Sure, they were plundering India’s wealth, but at least there was order. The present day government on the other hand? It is looting the country’s wealth and at the same time has left the country in a dire state. It is itself so immersed in scandal- more than that, so selfish- that it watches on as the country seethes and burns. There are more murders, more thefts, more rapes, and more scandals, than an unprecedented ever.   What more? The Police are merely puppets in the treacherous hands of the government.  And why shouldn’t they be?  Look at the kind of people who join the police force. Do you and I? No. Because we have always been brought up to become Engineers, Doctors, Bankers, Accountants and Businessmen, the thought of joining the police has always been far removed from our minds.  Those who care, join the Military because they know that the Police force is corrupt. Others think of becoming IAS Officers and changing the society, but then are forever lost. Result? The Police Force has to make do with unable, unwilling, unsuitable people who have no qualms about misusing their power. The select deserving few, who actually make it, are soon squashed beneath the heavy weight of corruption acting on them from every direction.

In such a scenario, a feasible solution itself seems unfeasible.  The thing is there is no one correct solution. Every proposed solution has at least one major drawback or is incapable of being executed. What to do then? Well, a revolt has already erupted. We must all act in the direction of what we think correct, but peacefully. Lots of different streams of thoughts just may converge to form a mighty river in the end.  One thing is clear- we want freedom; freedom from the tyrannical government that thinks that the Indian populace is weak and it can do whatever it pleases.

I hope that I don’t get arrested for writing this. Because, oh, we don’t need a proper trial for that!
Women treated in such a way? Horrendous!
Do the protesters seem violent?