We are Escaping into a Virtual World| English Article| Feelings| Rahul Vijay

I always get a scolding from my mom whenever I am at home for being lost in my cell phone or my laptop, whenever I get a chance, whenever I have nothing to do I just tend to take a sneak peak in my phone to look up my social networking sites, if someone has left me a message or any notifications on my facebook, there is only one thing I say to my mom ”its normal mom,  it’s important to me”
But is it right, or we are just so lost in this trend of social networking that we don’t see it is right or wrong. Instead of talking to the person sitting in front of you or socialising to people around you we tend to socialise with people too far away from us through a virtual world, rather than going old school we just rely so much on our technologies that we have lost that personal touch, people have thousands of friends on facebook but out of those thousand he hardly know 100’s and even lesser no. people are his real friends, technology  was meant to make communication easier but the only thing it has done is created a void in us, in a flash you will take out your phone when you are not getting the desired attention to show off other people we are busy, we try finding someone in that virtual world to fill that void, to search for someone’s attention rather than grabbing the opportunity and trying to get the people who are actually around you listen to you or talk to you, y
 ou just want to get lost in that virtual world of your phones and laptops the second you get a chance. Today every kid knows what an I pad is or what a laptop is, he would love playing on these gadgets than going out to play, rather than making real friends knowing people personally he is happy chatting with some unknown or a person he barely knows online, when I was a small kid these gadgets didn’t meant much to me for me playing cricket in ground was much more exciting than playing it on my laptop but today times have changed, people have changed.
I am not saying these gadgets are not good for us they are actually very useful it has made communication very easy it’s just that their excess and unnecessary use is hurting the society’s future, it’s good to know what is going around the world but it is also necessary to know what is going in your neighbourhood, it is really good to be in
Rahul Vijay
touch with your old friend who might be far away from you, but it is also needed to make some friends who are near to you who can help you out in an immediate crisis.

Rather than being lost in this virtual world we should try enjoying the real world.