Parody of a life| English Article| Feelings| Debalina Chakraborty

Every moment arched is a true reflection of the story of your life. Each moment spent in tears or smiles is nothing but a parody. At the end of it all you have left is the memories you have lived through.
Sometimes I wonder whether any of it is even real !! As I looked at the serene but silent face of my late grandmother my heart seemed to engulf in a cloud of unexplained grief. Even tears seemed to be at a loss. So much of love left to be expressed and yet she seemed to have moved on so afar.  Eyes brimming with sadness I eclipsed into a zone in which only my memories seemed to be my companion. I remembered the time when I was a child and she had taken me in her lap and told me  beautiful stories of the land beyond known. And now she had left us forever and reached the land beyond our reach herself. I still remember the time I had stayed with her when I was in my junior school during the time when my parents still had a year left to be transferred to Calcutta. She had been like a parent to me then waking me up early in the morning , preparing me for school , helping me with homework and scolding me when I went out of hand. She was a beautiful smiling face. No amount of work load could ever get her down. She still seemed to possess the vigor of her youth and was always bubbling with energy. She was a favorite among everybody. And then came the time when she first started showing symptoms of her illness. Yet she smiled away hiding her pain from us. Her treatment started and I was the one who was brimming with confidence as I told her she would become alright very soon. Oh !! how wrong I was , a year went by and she seemed to have lost her steadiness. She had become pale and yet she never seemed to complain. Her patience and tolerance seemed endless as she continued to inspire me. And then came the difficult part when I left for my college far away knowing I will be able to visit her only once a year. Still I held on to hope that she will recover. A year later when I came to visit her I was stunned to see that she had been reduced to such a frail condition. She couldn't speak and looked so scared. As her eyes met mine I reduced to tears seeing so much fear in the eyes of a person who was once so strong. And now I knew that only a miracle could save her. And one more year went by and all I could see was her deteriorating condition. A time came when she had to be fed by tubes inserted in her body and the saddest part was I could only receive news of her condition since I was far away in college.  Not many days have gone by .. it was the day when I had just finished my final exams of 3rd year when I received my mother’s call. My mother softly told me that my grandmother had passed away on the 18th of May 2013. I was
Author Debalina with her Granny
shaken beyond words. I couldn't cry  , I couldn't believe that she had really passed away. I reached my home town and was taken directly to her funeral. The time had come to accept the truth. I now had no option but to believe that she had left us all and moved on to the land beyond the known. And as for my emotions no words can make justice of the loss I felt in my heart. Everyday I miss her and wish I could have seen her and told her that I loved her for one last time.