Keep Dreaming| English Article| Feelings| Sharang Ahuja

I opened my eyes wide open, a hundred percent alert, I sensed something was amiss. Now, it would be cool to say, “my spidey senses were tingling”, but unfortunately I can’t. Three times I tell you…three times I have been bitten by spiders and still I haven’t woken up one morning,  feeling “changed”,  a web slinger. Arghhhh. Yeah, so ,back to where I was……. I was wide awake. I slowly peeled off the covers of my blanket and lightly moved to the door on the balls of my feet. Without any noise, I opened the door and was just about to climb down the stairs when I heard somebody rummaging around my parents’ room along the hall. This got me a little curious, well… a hell lot of curious because, my parents had gone away for the weekend and I was home alone( yay me! ). So who was there in that room?
Now years of watching horror movies, crime thrillers should have influenced me to make the right decision of alerting the authorities right away and to keep myself away from harm’s path. But to a 17 year old teenager, well……you know what I mean. Bhawanaon ko samjho. They say curiosity killed the cat, it almost got me killed that day……I walk into the room and it is a mess. I see two bodies bent over some stuff, probably looking for something. I can’t make out their face, whether they are men or women, they are wearing black masks and black body suits. The intruders weren’t yet aware of my presence, but being the klutz I am , I knocked over the vase kept by the door.  We all have heard of the butterfly effect; you haven’t? let’s see….it goes like,  a small change to an unseemingly unrelated thing or condition can affect large complex systems- a simpler explanation , the flapping of wings of a butterfly can ultimately lead to a hurricane. Interesting? I know- so my k
 nocking over the vase started a butterfly effect which evidently led to two separate events, both highly dangerous, in my life. The first eventually led to me being attacked by two members of the Chinese triad, the second was my mother scolding me for breaking that vase when she got back. And believe me when I say, I would take the two  members of the triad any day over my mother. So the now-aware-of-my-presence intruders slowly move towards me. Adrenaline rushing through my body, nerves tingling, I felt alive more than ever, exhilarated, man I was high and loving it! The initial normal reaction should have been to run, run like the wind, run like Forrest Gump at the sight of danger, but I didn’t , I couldn’t.  Now all of you must be thinking that I had something like the superhero syndrome… man, nothing like that… sorry to burst your bubble. They were quick upon me, like ninjas they were. I will let you on a little secret…. I am superman…..wait for it to sink in….
 true story… I am just saying, superman and me have never been found to be in the same room at the same time. So with my superhuman strength, I tossed the two triad members around the room like a ball. Hell, I started playing tennis with myself man! It was all fun till one of them pulled a gun. It was millennium g2 9mm polymer grip sub compact pistol. Phew! Classy roberers they were. I kept on smiling, well, because I am bullet proof –amazing super power it is-. The perp apparently knew his guns but he couldn’t shoot for dime. He fired, an off shot, the bullet’s trajectory towards my ear. I kept still, being bullet proof. But somehow I felt the pain when it hit me. The pain was unbearable. The lights were blinded out of me. Was it a kryptonite bullet? It couldn’t be.
The pain kept on increasing and it felt like somebody was pulling my ear out of the body! I snapped out of my sleep and to my amusement and horror, no actually all amusement, saw my chemistry teacher standing over my seat pulling my ear so that I would shake of the afternoon rêves and concentrate on the “exciting” chemistry tutorial going on in the class.
Sharang Ahuja

One of the greatest wizards of all time,  Albus Dumbledore, said,  “it does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live”. But what did Dumbledore know about the chemistry classes I had to endure. Meh. Sleep is precious. People say you should dream high, and that’s exactly what I am doing, and intend to do so in the future…..sleep more tha….. zzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz