Learn Python 1| Techspot| Anish Kumar Dubey

"The reason why worry kills more   
  people than work is that

      more people worry than work"

Rather than discussing speciality and features of python we will straight move out to learn Python programming language. Specialities and features of python we will be discussing in each subsequent posts one by one. By discusssion every one gets bored.

As currently implemented python is a also a software package called an interpreter. An interpreter is a kind of program that executes other programs. When you write a python program, the python interpreter reads your program and carries out the instructions it contains. In effect, interpreter is a kind of software logic between your code and the computer hardware on your machine.

To run a python program first of all install python on your computer.

For Linux operating system::

If you are using linux operating system then no need to install python, just open up your terminal and type python and press enter, your python interpreter will open up in the terminal.

For Windows operating system::
If you are using Windows operating system then you have to install python on your machine. Go to the following link::


and install the latest version of python. I am using python3.2.3 in my windows OS.

After installing python you have to include a environment variable::
->Open up start menu.
->Right-Click on "computer" and open up properties.

->Click on "Environment Variables".
->Click on "Path" variable. In the end add ";" semicolon and after semicolon type the location where you have installed python on your machine.

->Now go on clicking "ok" and "apply" in the subsequent windows.

Now your machine is ready for typing python commands.

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